Monday, April 16, 2007

Hey Everybody! Of Montreal Did Karaoke Part 2

Let's see. Where did S-Yo leave off? Oh yeah, Paul Rudd and David Wain sang "More Than A Feeling." Well, before that wondrous performance, Michael Showalter did INXS's "Need You Tonight." Here's a clip I got of it:

Shortly after that was "Dancing Queen," where a bunch of the previous singers got on stage, Kevin Barnes slid over to the keys and chaos ensued.

And here is the winner for best costume and most outlandish performance of the night: Aqua Man. He sang David Bowie's "Moonage Daydream" and he was INTO IT. He even had a trident.

Later, Michael Showalter came back on stage for the last song, "Hot Blooded."
And then the sound guy stole the mic from him. Kind of an anti-climatic finales, but still fun nonetheless.Afterwards, Flosstradamus got right on the 1s and 2s. His set was flowing with the best dance songs we haven't heard in 10 years, including "Motownphilly" by Boyz II Men and "100% Pure Love" by Crystal Waters. Amazing.

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